Monday, 12 January 2015

Narrative Theory

Narrative theory is the way the story is organised. One of the elements of narrative is time which earliest time including flashbacks to the latest point of time in the thriller or music video. The other elements are closure which means close loose ends and enigma which is the problems created.

Classical Hollywood
Non linear
Sub plots
Tendency towards closure

Tzvetan Todorov theories was  that films could often start with a Equilibrium which is when everything is all right. Second the Disruption which is the enigma, the problem created. Then the resolution which is when the problem is solved. Finally the movie would end with a new equilibrium.    
Our thriller was a linear narrative and starts with a equilibrium of a guy walking through a forest, then the disruption of the thriller is when the person is knocked out by the thief. But we didn't have a resolution and new equilibrium.

Roland Barthes described all texts have complex bundles of meaning which can be unravelled to create a whole range of different meanings. There are 2 types of texts one is open text which means that the text is left open for the audience to make their own ending. The other one is closed text which is text that gives the film one ending so their is only one thread to grasp. In hollywood most of their films have closed texts and their are few that have open text. Texts that can be read in a number of ways are known as polysemic texts.

2 popular examples of open texts is the Dark knight rises and Inception as both films are left open and  the audience don't know whether or not the protagonists have survived. Popular examples of polysemic texts are films like Scarface which is open to a number of different interpretation. polysemic text is also known as reception text. Scarface can be viewed in the following ways:
Glorification of violence
Rags to riches story
Critique of the value of 1980s greed and consumption

Vladimir Propp also states that in all movies that there are 8 key character roles.

1. Hero (protagonist)
2. Villain (Antagonist)
3. Donor (Provider)
4. Helper
5. Father
6. Dispatcher
7. Princess
8. False Hero

For example Vladimir Propp theory can be used for Eminem's song Stan.

1. Hero-Eminem
2. Villain-Stan
3. Donor-Eminem
4. Helper-Stan's wife/girlfriend
5. Father-Eminem
6. Dispatcher-
7. Princess-
8. False Hero-    

Also Tzvetan Todorov theory can be used on Eminem's song Stan. The music video Stan starts off with Stan becoming obsessed with Eminem this can be called the equilibrium as the first minute of the video shows Stan watching TV and writing a letter. The disruption is when Eminem didn't write back to him. The resolution is when Stan drives his car off the bridge killing himself and his wife/girlfriend.      

This is the Equilibrium. 

This is the disruption.
 This is the resolution. 

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