Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Constructing the advert

Constructing the advert was a long process that we found quite difficult. This was because we had very limited Photoshop skills, to fix this we needed to go back to it multiple times in order to get it to a reasonable standard and learn how to use Photoshop on the Macs.

To get inspiration for my magazine advert I looked at real adverts and the adverts from previous year groups. I saw that all of the adverts featured a qr code and a website, which mine did not so it looked unprofessional.
To make the advert better me and my group went and took some group photos for the main advert image, we then removed the background and placed the image onto a backdrop that matched the theme of the song. I then created a qr code and added a website to make it look like a REAL advert.
Overall I feel that the magazine advert is okay. The band shot shows that the band doesn't take itself too seriously in contrast the background shows that the song covers a serious topic. There is an iTunes advertisement, QR code and a website link. If I were to do it again I would use a better font and maybe use a better band shot just to make it look more professional and change the layout of writing and logos. We decided to improve our magazine by changing the background and a different image but we took the image out to leave the silhouette which we thought looked good. Also we improved the images and writing we added to our magazine by changing where they were so we put all the logos for where to get the song at the bottom and the website at the side also added rating the companies had given the song. Below is our final piece:  

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